Archives are the current holding institutions of sources.
All Souls College (GB-Oas) |
Bodleian Library (GB-Ob) |
Brasenose College (GB-Obc) |
Christ Church (GB-Och) |
Corpus Christi College (GB-Occc) |
DIAMM Virtual Manuscript Archive (GB-Odiamm) |
Lincoln College (GB-Olc) |
Magdalen College (GB-Omc) |
Merton College (GB-Ome) |
New College (GB-Onc) |
St John’s College (GB-Ojc) |
Trinity College (GB-Otc) |
University College (GB-Ouc) |
Worcester College (GB-Owc) |
Organizations are corporate entities that have been involved in the history of a source, typically as an owner, creator, or seller.
All Souls College |
Christ Church Cathedral |
Christ Church College |
Greyfriars |
Keble College |
Lincoln College |
New College |
New College chapel |
Osney Abbey |
Oxford University Music School |
Sources that have had their origins in this city.