Partners / Sponsors

Oxford University UNIQ+ Program

The UNIQ+ program provided funding for two interns in 2024 who worked on the 'Clipped Initials' project.

The Arts and Humanities Research Council

The original grant that started DIAMM and sponsored the first phase of photographic work came from the Humanities Research Board in 1998. The HRB became the Arts and Humanities Research Board during the life of the project and DIAMM has been the recipient of two major resource enhancement grants in 1999 and 2001 from the AHRB. The grants have financed equipment and the travel costs and salary to enable us to extend the remit of DIAMM to embrace the complete UK polyphonic repertory up to 1550, and important representative sources from outside the UK. In March 2010, DIAMM received new funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of its DEDEFI scheme (DEDEFI: Digital Equipment and Database Enhancement for Impact) which led to further content expansion, and most recently has benefited from partnership with the Tudor Partbooks project, 2014-2017.

The John Fell OUP Research Fund

In 2015 the project was awarded over £90,000 to redevelop the website resource taking advantage of our collaboration with the SIMSSA project at McGill University in Montreal and the rapid development of new technologies for the display of manuscript images and management of complex and extremely granular metadata. In the same year we received grant support to allow us to link our content to the Library of Congress Authorities, and also to update and correct  the authorities with data not yet available there.

In February 2008, DIAMM was awarded £28,000 for the purchase a new single-shot high-resolution digital camera.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Funding, diplomacy and practical support was provided by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid to allow DIAMM to visit Spain and digitize manuscripts and fragments in a number of important locations. We are immenseley grateful both to the librarians who were so supportive of the initiative and helpful during our visit, and also particularly to David Catalunya and to Prof Carmen Julia Gutiérrez for managing the funding and logistics of our visits. We hope to build on this successful relationship by digitizing the Las Huelgas codex soon.

The Alamire Foundation (Leuven) funded by the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie

In October 2011, The Alamire Foundation was awarded funds to follow an ambitious programme of digitization and technical activity over three years, to create a permanent resource celebrating the work of the scriptorium of Petrus Alamire. Included was funding to provide DIAMM project mangement and photography to support these activities.

The Andrew W Mellon Foundation

The Mellon Foundation has sponsored the development of the DIAMM website and delivery systems and also the purchase of an upgrade to our scanning back for high-resolution image capture. More recently they have funded the development of online research tools, the expansion of the online archive and metadata content, and a number of workshops and studies aimed at ensuring we meet the needs of the public, and build a resource that should be able to sustain itself financially in the future. DIAMM is extremely grateful not only for the financial support of the Mellon Foundation, but also for the guidance it gives in developing the project as a major online research resource. DIAMM is currently funded by a major grant from the Mellon Foundation.

The British Academy (Small Research Grants)

In January 2009, Dr Julia Craig-McFeely was awarded a Small Research Grant of £7498 to assist in the creation of inventories for manuscripts listed in DIAMM. These inventories will be brought online in the next phase of technical development of the website. The work will be undertaken during 2009/2010 by Giovanni Varelli.

The Morrill Music Library in the Biblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence

In 2008, The Morrill Music Library donated €10 000 to spearhead the digitisation of the Alamire Choirbooks. The project will enable DIAMM, The Alamire Foundation, and The Morrill Music Library to provide scholars with high-quality digital images of this exceptional collection of choirbooks currently located in 7 countries.

RISM Digital

The RISM Digital Center in Bern has provided technical consulting and assistance for DIAMM.