DIAMM: Complete list of sources -October 2019- as a flat excel file (Country, city, archive, shelfmark, sourceKey)
Jane Alden: Songs, Scribes, and Society; The History and Reception of the Loire Valley Chansonniers (New York: OUP, 2011)
Appendix A – Summary codicological information
Appendix B – Contents lists
Appendix C1 – Introduction
Appendix C1 – Structure of the Laborde Chansonnier
Appendix C2 – Introduction
Appendix C2 – Structure of the Dijon Chansonnier
Appendix C3 – Introduction
Appendix C3 – Structure of the Copenhagen Chansonnier
Appendix C4 – Introduction
Appendix C4 – Structure of the Chansonnier Nivelle de la Chaussée
Appendix C5 – Introduction
Appendix C5 – Structure of the Wolfenbüttel Chansonnier
Margaret Bent: Bologna Q15. The Making and Remaking of a Musical Manuscript, Introductory Study and Facsimile Edition 2 vols. (Lucca: Lim Editrice, 2009)
Addenda and corrigenda (updated 12 December 2012)
Gareth Curtis and Andrew Wathey, Fifteenth-Century English Liturgical Music: A List Of The Surviving Repertory Edited and updated by Peter Wright and James Cook in 2017.
European Science Foundation, Standing Committee for the Humanities, Musicology (Re-) Mapped: Discussion Paper, with contributions by DIAMM director Julia Craig-McFeely and musicologist Theodor Dumitrescu.
David Fallows: A Catalogue of Polyphonic Songs, 1415-1480 (Oxford: OUP, 1999) Updated March 2024.
Susan Rankin ancillary documents for study of the Winchester Troper
Tihomir Popović: Mäzene – Manuskripte – Modi. Untersuchungen zu “My Ladye Nevells Booke”, Beihefte zum Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 71 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013)
Julia Craig-McFeely and Matthias Range
Transcripts of the wills of members of the family of John Sadler