KBR (Koninklijke Bibliotheek / Bibliothèque royale) (B-Br)

Brussels, Belgium

Other Names

Bibliothèque Royal Albert 1er/Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I

Sources in this Archive

  Source name Date Type Surface
B-Br MS 215-216 1503-18 manuscript of polyphony Parchment
B-Br MS 228 1516-23 manuscript of polyphony Parchment
B-Br MS 1870 1348 and 16th cent. - -
B-Br MS 5557 Second half 15th century manuscript of polyphony Paper
B-Br MS 6428 1508-34 Manuscript of polyphony Parchment
B-Br MS 9085 15th century. c. 1470 dance manual; monphonic parts for later polyphonic pieces -
B-Br MS 9126 1505 manuscript of polyphony Parchment
B-Br MS 9786-9790 2nd half 15th cent. fragment -
B-Br MS 10747 c. 1260 non-music MS with interpolated music Parchment
B-Br MS 11239 c. 1500 Manuscript of polyphony Parchment
B-Br MS 15075 c. 1511 manuscript of polyphony Parchment
B-Br MS 19606 early 14th century, certainly after 1314. rotulus Parchment
B-Br MS II.266 14th century fragment Parchment
B-Br MS II.270 c. 1500 manuscript of polyphony Other
B-Br MS II.2631 16th century chant book with added polyphony Paper
B-Br MS II.3843 [Altus] - partbook Paper
B-Br MS II.3843 [Bassus] - partbook Paper
B-Br MS II.3843 [Discantus] 1540-7 partbook Paper
B-Br MS II.3843 [Quintus] - partbook Paper
B-Br MS II.3843 [Tenor] - partbook Paper
B-Br MS II.4109 c. 1612-6 tablebook Paper
B-Br MS IV.90 early 16th century partbook Parchment
B-Br MS IV.421 c. 1460 fragment -
B-Br MS IV.922 (Occo Codex) c. 1525-34 manuscript of polyphony Parchment
B-Br MS IV.1274 16th century Partbook Parchment
B-Br MS s.s. (Fétis Fragment) First half of the 15th century fragment Parchment