Archives are the current holding institutions of sources.
Stiftsbibliothek von St. Peter (A-Ssp) |
Universitätsbibliothek (A-Su) |
Organizations are corporate entities that have been involved in the history of a source, typically as an owner, creator, or seller.
St Peter |
Sources that have had their origins in this city.
D-Rp B. 216-219 (1) (uncertain) |
D-Rp B. 216-219 (2) (uncertain) |
D-Rp B. 216-219 (3) (uncertain) |
D-Rp B. 220-222 (Prima Vox) (uncertain) |
D-Rp B. 220-222 (Secunda Vox) (uncertain) |
D-Rp B. 220-222 (Tertia Vox) (uncertain) |
D-Rp B. 220-222 (Quarta Vox) (uncertain) |
A-Ssp MS a.IX.3 |