Composer | Compère, Loyset (ca. 1445–1518) |
Genre | Motet |
Cycles |
Appears in |
F-CA MS 125 (72)
F-CA MS 126 (72)
F-CA MS 127 (72)
F-CA MS 128 (72)
V-CVbav MS Capp. Sist. 15 (195v—196)
E-Bbc M 454 (Cancionero musical de Barcelona) (134v—135r)
I-Fn MS Panciatichiano 27 (95v—97)
Finscher, Ludwig (ed.) 1958-. Loyset Compere: Opera Omnia. Corpus mensurabilis musicae. Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. pp. (4), 45-48.
Drake, George Warren James. 1972. The first printed book of motets, Petrucci's Motteti A numero trentatre (Venice 1502) and Motetti de Passione De cruce De sacramento De beata virgine et huius modi B (Venice 1503): A critical study and complete edition. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois. pp. (2), 26-32.