Bent, Margaret

Bent, Margaret, and Andrew B Wathey. 2022. Fragments of English Polyphonic Music ca. 1390–1475: A Facsimile Edition.

Bent, Margaret, Jared C. Hartt, and Peter M Lefferts. 2021. The Dorset Rotulus: Contextualizing and Reconstructing the Early English Motet. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music.  Boydell Press.

Bent, Margaret. 2020. The Dorset Rotulus: A newly discovered source of English polyphonic music. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 141: 1-29.

Bent, Margaret. 2019. Mayshuet and the Deo gratias motets in the Old Hall manuscript. Beredte Musik. Konversationen zum 80. Geburtstag von Wulf Arlt, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Scripta. edited by Martin Kirnbauer,  Basel: Schwabe.

Bent, Margaret. 2017. Review of 'Nádas and Janke (eds), The San Lorenzo Palimpsest' and 'Janke, Die Kompositionen von Giovanni Mazzuoli, Pereo Mazzuoli und Ugolino da Orvieto im San-Lorenzo-Palimpsest'.

Bent, Margaret. 2017. The absent first gathering of the Chantilly manuscript. Plainsong and Medieval Music, 26: 19-36.

Bent, Margaret. 2016. Melchior or Marchion de Civilibus, prepositus brixiensis: new documents. Music and Culture in the Middle Ages and Beyond: Liturgy, Sources, Symbolism (Festschrift for Craig Wright), edited by Benjamin Brand and David Rothenberg, 175-190. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bent, Margaret. 2015. Orfeo: dominus presbiter Orpheus de Padua. ‘Qui musicam in se habet’: Studies in Honor of Alejandro Enrique Planchart, edited by Bonnie J Blackburn, Anna Zayaruznaya,  and Stanley Boorman, 231-256. American Institute of Musicology.

Bent, Margaret. 2014. Francesco Malipiero and Antonio da Roma – another musical connection? Mondo latino e civiltà bizantina: Musica, arte e cultura nei codici del 1400, edited by Antonio Lovato and Dilva Princivalli, 225-238. Padua: Cleup.

Bent, Margaret. 2014. Libri de cantu in the early fifteenth-century Veneto: contents, use and ownership. Musikalische Repertoires in Zentraleuropa (1420–1450). Prozesse & Praktiken, Wiener Musikwissenschaftliche Beiträge. edited by Alexander Rausch and Björn R Tammen, 153-170. Vienna: Böhlau.

Bent, Margaret. 2013. The Trent 92 and Aosta indexes in context. I codici musicali trentini del quattrocento: Nuove scoperte, nuove edizioni e nuovi strumenti informatici, edited by Danilo Curti-Feininger and Marco Gozzi, 63-81. Lucca: LIM.

Bent, Margaret, and Robert Klugseder. 2012. Ein Liber cantus aus dem Veneto: Fragmente in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München und der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek Wien. A Veneto Liber cantus (c. 1440): Fragments in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, and the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.  Wiesbaden: Reichert.

Agnel, Aimé, and Margaret Bent. 2011. A Veneto Liber cantus (c. 1440): Fragments in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, and the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna. Ein Liber cantus aus dem Veneto (um 1440): Fragmente in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München und der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek Wien.  Wiesbaden: Reichert.

Bent, Margaret. 2010. Indexes in Late Medieval Polyphonic Music Manuscripts: A Brief Tour. The Medieval Book: Glosses from Friends & Colleagues to Christopher de Hamel, 196–207. Houten: Hes & De Graaf.

Bent, Margaret. 2010. The Earliest Fifteenth-Century Transmission of English Music to the Continent. Essays on the History of English Music: sources, style, performance, historiography, edited by Emma Hornby and David Maw,  Woodbridge: Boydell.

Bent, Margaret. 2009. Bologna Q15. The Making and Remaking of a Musical Manuscript, Introductory Study and Facsimile Edition. 2 vols. Lucca: Lim Editrice.

Bent, Margaret. 2008. Naming of Parts: Notes on the Contratenor, c. 1350-1450. Uno gentile et subtile ingenio: Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Bonnie Blackburn, edited by Mary Jennifer Bloxam, Gioia Filocamo,  and Leofranc Holford-Strevens,  Turnhout.

Bent, Margaret. 2008. What is Isorhythm? Quomodo Cantabimus Canticum?: Studies in Honor of Edward H. Roesner, edited by David Butler Cannata, Gabriela Ilnitchi,  and Rena Charnin Mueller, 121-43. Madison.

Bent, Margaret. 2007. Trompetta and Concordans Parts in the Early Fifteenth Century. Music as Social and Cultural Practice: Essays in Honour of Reinhard Strohm, edited by Melania Bucciarelli and Berta Joncus, 38-73. Woodbridge.

Bent, Margaret. 2007. Continuity and Transformation of Repertory and Transmission in Early 15th-Century Italy: The Two Cultures. Kontinuitat und Transformation in der italienischen Vokalmusik zwischen Due- un Quattrocento. Bericht uber die Tagung in Jena vom 1 - 3 Juli 2005, Musica mensurabilis, 3, edited by Oliver Huck, Signe Rotter-Broman, Alba Scotti,  and Sandra Dieckmann, 225-46. Hildesheim.

Bent, Margaret. 2006. Review of Jonathan Glixon, Honoring God and the City: Music at the Venetian Confraternities, 1260-1807 (Oxford, 2003). Journal of Eccelsiastical History, 57: 137.

Bent, Margaret. 2004. Songs without music in Dante's De vulgari eloquentia: cantio and related term. "Et facciam dolçi canti". Studi in onore di Agostino Ziino in occasione del suo 65° compleanno, edited by Bianca Maria Antolini, Teresa M Gialdroni,  and Annunziato Pugliese, 161-181. Lucca: LIM- Libreria Italiana Musicale.

Bent, Margaret. 2004. Ciconia's dedicatee, Bologna Q15, Brassart, and the Council of Basel. Trento, Manoscritti di Polifonia nel Quattrocento Europeo: Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio 18-19 ottobre 2002, edited by Marco Gozzi, 35-56. Trent: Provincia autonoma di Trento, Soprintendenza per I Beni librari e archivistici.

Bent, Margaret. 2004. Ciconia's Dedicatee, Bologna Q15, Brassart, and the Council of Basel. Manoscritti di polifonia nel Quattrocento europeo: Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, 18-19 ottobre 2002 , edited by Marco Gozzi, 35-56. Trent.

Bent, Margaret. 2004. The musical stanzas in Martin le Franc's Le champion des dames. Music and Medieval Manuscripts: Paleography and Performance, edited by John Haines and Randall Rosenfeld, 91-127. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Bent, Margaret. 2004. Divisi and a versi in early fifteenth-century mass movements. Antonio Zacara da Teramo e il suo tempo, edited by Francesco Zimei, 95-137. Lucca: LIM.

Bent, Margaret. 2003. French translation of "Diatonic ficta" (1984) as "Musica ficta: une procédure diatonique". Lire, composer, analyser à la Renaissance,  Tours: Minerve, CESR "Ricercar".

Bent, Margaret. 2003. Words and Music in Machaut's Motet 9. Early Music, 31: 363-388.

Bent, Margaret. 2003. The 'Harmony' of the Machaut Mass. Machaut's Music: New Interpretations, edited by Elizabeth Eva Leach, 75-94. Woodbridge: the Boydell Press.

Bent, Margaret. 2003. Music Seen and Music Heard. Gothic: Art for England, 1400-1547, edited by Richard Marks and Paul Williamson, 120-127. Victoria and Albert Museum.

Bent, Margaret. 2003. Musicisti vicentini intorno al vescovo Pietro Emiliani. Quattrocento Vicentino. La Dedizione alla Serenissima tra Musica Cronaca e Storia, edited by Paolo Troncon,  Vicenza: Conservatorio di Musica di Vicenza.

Bent, Margaret. 2003. Ciconia, Prosdocimus, and the workings of musical grammar as exemplified in O felix templum and O Padua. Johannes Ciconia, musicien de la transition, edited by Philippe Vendrix, 65-106. Tournhout: Brepols.

Bent, Margaret. 2002. Counterpoint, Composition, and Musica Ficta (a collection of essays with substantial new introduction).  London and New York: Routledge.

Bent, Margaret. 2002. Sense and rhetoric in late-medieval polyphony. Music in the Mirror: Reflections on the History of Music Theory and Literature for the 21st Century, Publications of the Center for the History of Music Theory and Literature. edited by Andreas Giger and Thomas J Mathiesen, 45-59. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Bent, Margaret. 2002. 'Sounds perish': in what senses does renaissance music survive? The Italian Renaissance in the 20th Century: Acts of an International Conference, Florence, Villa I Tatti, June 9-11, 1999, edited by Allen Grieco, Michael Rocke,  and Fiorella Gioffredi Superbi, 247-265. Florence: Olschki.

Bent, Margaret. 2001-2. Il mestiere del musicologo. Enciclopedia della Musica , edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Margaret Bent, Rossana Dalmonte,  and Mario Baroni, 2 vols.575-90. Torino: Einaudi.

Bent, Margaret. 2001. Impossible authenticities. Il Saggiatore musicale, 8: 39-50.

Bent, Margaret. 2001. On False Concords in Late Fifteenth-Century Music: Yet Another Look at Tinctoris. Théorie et analyse musicales 1450-1650 (Music Theory and Analysis), Musicologica neolovaniensia Studia. edited by Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans and Bonnie J Blackburn, 65-118. Louvain-la-Neuve: Département d'histoire de l'art et d'archéologie, Collège Érasme.

Bent, Margaret, and Stanley Sadie. 2001. Notation. History of Western Notation. Polyphonic mensural notation. c1260-1500 . The New Grove Dictionary of music and musicians. Vol. 18: Nisard to Palestrina, 129-140. London: Macmillan.

Bent, Margaret, Julia Craig-McFeely, and Andrew B Wathey. 2001. The Art of Virtual Restoration: Creating the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM). The Virtual Score: Representation, Retrieval, Restoration, Computing in Musicology. edited by Walter B Hewlett and Eleanor Selfridge-Field, 227-240.

Bent, Margaret. 2000. On the Interpretation of [cut-circle] in the Fifteenth Century: A Response to Rob Wegman. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 53: 597-612.

Bent, Margaret. 2000. Il poeta Machaut. Vita e amori di un artista che collezionò se stesso. Il Giornale della Musica, 16, no. 158: 20-21.

Bent, Margaret. 2000. Dunstaple. New Dictionary of National Biography,

Bent, Margaret. 2000. Review of: English Church Polyphony: Singers and Sources from the 14th to the 17th Century. By Roger Bowers. Ashgate 1999. I History, 85: 503-4.

Bent, Margaret. 2000. Response [to statements by Andrew Dell'Antonio and Stefano Castelvecchi]. Musicology and Sister Disciplines, Round Table 3, Directions in Musicology, edited by David Greer, 191-194. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bent, Margaret. 2000. Preface to Isobel Woods Preece. Our Awin Scottis Use: Music in the Scottish Church up to 1603, Studies in the Music of Scotland. edited by Sally Harper,  Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen.

Bent, Margaret. 2000. The Use of Cut Signatures in Sacred Music by Binchois. Binchois Studies, edited by Andrew Kirkman and Dennis Slavin, 277-312. Oxford.

Bent, Margaret. 1999. Dunstaple. Encyclopedia of the Renaissance,  New York: Scribner.

Bent, Margaret. 1999. Music and the Early Veneto Humanists. Proceedings of the British Academy (1998 Lectures and Memoirs), 101: 101-30.

Bent, Margaret. 1998. Fauvel and Marigny: which came first? Fauvel Studies, 35-52. Oxford.

Bent, Margaret. 1998. The Measurement of Time and the Structure of Motets. La Rationalisation du temps au XIIIe siècle. Actes du colloque de Royaumont, 1991, 133-44. Royaumont.

Bent, Margaret. 1998. The grammar of early music: preconditions for analysis. Tonal Structures in Early Music, edited by Cristle Collins Judd, 15-59. New York: Garland.

Bent, Margaret. 1998. Early Papal Motets. Papal Music and Musicians in Late Medieval and Renaissance Rome, edited by Richard Jonathan Sherr, 5-43. Oxford University Press.

Bent, Margaret. 1998. The Use of Cut Signatures in Sacred Music by Ockeghem and his Contemporaries. Johannes Ockeghem: Actes du XLe Colloque international d'études humanistes, edited by Philippe Vendrix, 641-80. Tours.

Bent, Margaret, and Andrew B Wathey (eds.) 1998. Fauvel Studies: Allegory, Chronicle, Music and Image in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS français 146.  Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Bent, Margaret. 1997. Authentic' listening? Early Music, 25/4: 567.

Bent, Margaret. 1997. A Sermon preached in the Chapel of All Souls College, All Souls Day 1997.  Oxford.

Bent, Margaret. 1997. Polyphony of Texts and Music in the Fourteenth-Century Motet 'Tribum que non abhorruit/Quoniam secta latronum/Merito hec patimur' and its 'Quotations'. Hearing the Motet. Essays on the Motet of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, edited by Dolores Pesce, 82-103. New York and Oxford.

Bent, Margaret. 1996, February. Obituary for Thomas Walker. AMS Newsletter, .

Bent, Margaret. 1996. The early use of the sign Ø. Early Music, 24/2: 199-225.

Bent, Margaret. 1996. Review of Facsimiles of the Squarcialupi MS and other sources. Early Music History, 15: 251-269.

Bent, Margaret. 1996. Diatonic ficta revisited: Josquin's Ave Maria in context. <a href=""target="_blank">Music Theory Online</a>, September: .

Bent, Margaret. 1996. A new canonic Gloria and the changing profile of Dunstaple. Plainsong and Medieval Music, 5: 45-67.

Bent, Margaret. 1996. Marchion de Civilibus, Prepositus Brixiensis. Trent'anni di ricerca musicologica: Studi in onore di F. Alberto Gallo, edited by Patrizia Dalla Vecchia and Donatella Restani, 115-23. Rome.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Remarks delivered at the presentazione of the Latina conference proceedings, Rome, 21 December 1995.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Study session Texto y música en el motete medieval , chaired and introduced seven contributors. Actas del XV congresso de la sociedad internacional de musicologia, "Culturas musicales del mediterraneo y sus ramificaciones. Madrid/ 3-10/IV/1992, 542-547.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Review of: Beth Bullard. Musica Getutscht: A Treatise on Musical Instruments (1511) by Sebastian Virdung. Cambridge, 1993. £45. Medium Aevum, 44: .

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Review of: Guillaume de Machaut: a Guide to Research. By Lawrence Earp. (Garland Composer Resource Manuals, 36). New York - London, Garland Publishing, Inc., 1995. xx + 669 pp. French Studies, .

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Review of Manuscrits de musique polyphonique, XVe et XVIe siècles: Italie. Catalogue par Nanie Bridgman. Répertoire international des sources musicales, ser. B/IV, vol.5. Munich: G.Henle Verlag, 1991. 97* + 681 pp. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 48/2: 272-283.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Pietro Emiliani's Chaplain Bartolomeo Rossi da Carpi and the Lamentations of Johannes de Quadris in Vicenza. Il Saggiatore musicale, 2: 5-16.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Notazione e testo musicale. Tavola rotonda coordinata e introdotta da Margaret Bent. L'edizione critica tra testo musicale e testo letterario. Atti del convegno internazionale (Cremona 4-8 ottobre 1992), edited by Renato Borghi and Pietro Zappalà, 367-372. Lucca: Università degli studi di Pavia. Scuola di Paleografia e Filologia musicale, Cremona, and Centro di Musicologia 'Walter Stauffer', Cremona. Libreria Musicale Italiana Editrice.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Lo stile del primo Quattrocento nella coscienza dei contemporanei. Bologna Q 15 come documento della iniziativa editoriale del copista. La critica del testo musicale. Metodi e problemi della filologia musicale, edited by Maria Caraci Vela,  Lucca: Libreria musicale italiana.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. La contenance angloise : from the beginnings to 1485. Fairest Isle: BBC Radio 3 Book of British Music, edited by David Fraser, 9-14. London: BBC Books.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Some Aspects of the Motets in the Cyprus Manuscript. The Cypriot-French Repertory of the Manuscript Torino J.II.9. Report of the International Musicological Congress, Paphos 20-25 March, 1992, Musicological Studies and Documents, American Institute of Musicology. edited by Ursula Günther and Ludwig Finscher, 357-375. Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: Hänssler Verlag.

Bent, Margaret, and John Nadas (eds.) 1995. Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Music in Facsimile.  Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

Bent, Margaret. 1995. Humanists and Music, Music and Humanities. Tendenze e metodi nella ricerca musicologica. Atti del convegno internazionale (Latina 27-29 Settembre 1990), Historiae musicae cultores, Biblioteca. edited by Raffaele Pozzi, 29-38.

Bent, Margaret. 1994 - . articles: Margaret Bent, Old Hall-Manuskript, Bologna Q15, Square. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart : allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik,

Bent, Margaret. 1994. Editing early music: the dilemma of translation. Early Music, 22/3: 373-394.

Bent, Margaret. 1994. Accidentals, counterpoint and notation in Aaron's Aggiunta to the Toscanello in Musica. The Journal of Musicology, 12: 306-344.

Bent, Margaret. 1993. Review of: Anna Maria Busse Berger. Mensuration and Proportion Signs: Origin and Evolution. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993. Early Music, 21/3: 474-5.

Bent, Margaret. 1993. Reflections on Christopher Page's Reflections. Early Music, 625-633.

Bent, Margaret. 1993. Pycard's double canon: evidence of revision? Sundry sorts of music books. Essays on The British Library Collections. Presented to O.W. Neighbour on his 70th birthday, edited by Chris Banks, Arthur Searle,  and Malcolm Turner, 10-26. London: The British Library.

Bent, Margaret. 1992. The Fourteenth-Century Italian Motet. L'Ars Nova Italiana del Trecento VI. Atti del Congresso internazionale "L'Europa e la musica del Trecento", Certaldo, 19-21 July 1984, 85-125. Certaldo.

Bent, Margaret. 1992. Motets Recovered from a Binding (fMS typ 122). The Marks in the Fields: Essays on the Uses of Manuscripts, edited by Rodney G Dennis and Elizabeth Falsey, 16-19. Cambridge, MA: The Houghton Library.

Bent, Margaret. 1992. The late-medieval motet. Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music , edited by Tess Knighton and David Fallows, 114-19. London.

Bent, Margaret. 1991. Deception, Exegesis and Sounding Number in Machaut's Motet 15. Early Music History, 10: 15-27.

Bent, Margaret, and David R Howlett. 1991. 'Subtiliter alternare: The Yoxford Motet O amicus I Precursoris'. Current Musicohgy, 45-47: 45-84.

Bent, Margaret. 1990. Manuscripts as Répertoires, Scribal Performance and the Performing Scribe. Atti del XIV Congresso della Società Internazionale di Musicologia [Bologna 1987], 138-48. Bologna: E.D.T..

Bent, Margaret. 1990. The Yoxford Credo. Essays in Musicology: A Tribute to Alvin Johnson, 26-51. Philadelphia: AMS.

Bent, Margaret. 1990. A Note on the Dating of the Trémoïlle Manuscript. Beyond the Moon: Festschrift Luther Dittmer, Musicological Studies. edited by Bryan Gillingham and Paul Merkley, 217-242. Ottawa: The Institute of Medieval Music.

Bent, Margaret, and David R Howlett. 1990. Subtiliter alternare: The Yoxford Motet 'O amicus / Precursoris'. Studies in Medieval Music. Festschrift for Ernest Sanders, Current Musicology. 43-84. New York.

Bent, Margaret. 1990. The Yoxford Credo. Essays in Musicology: A Tribute to Alvin Johnson, edited by Lewis Henry Lockwood and Edward H. Roesner, 26-51. American Musicological Society.

Bent, Margaret. 1989. The Definition of Simple Polyphony: Some Questions. Le polifonie primitive in Friuli e in Europa . Atti del congresso internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 22-24 agosto 1980, Miscellanea Musicologica. edited by Cesare Corsi and Pierluigi Petrobelli, 33-42. Rome: Torre d'Orfeo.

Bent, Margaret. 1988. Il Turco in Italia. Edizione Critica delle Opere di Gioachino Rossini, Sezione Prima--Opere Teatrali. edited by Gioachino Rossini,  Pesaro: Fondazione Rossini.

Bent, Margaret. 1987. A Contemporary Perception of Early Fifteenth-Century Style: Bologna Q15 as a Document of Scribal Editorial Initiative. Musica Disciplina, 41: 183-201.

Bent, Margaret. 1987. Review of Reinhard Strohm, Music in Late Medieval Bruges. Musical Times, 128: 87-89.

Bent, Margaret. 1987. The Fountains Fragments [facsimile with introduction]. Musical Sources.  Clarabricken: Boethius Press.

Bent, Margaret. 1986. Fact and Value in Contemporary Scholarship. Musical Times, 127: 85-89.

Bent, Margaret. 1986. Review of Stanley Boorman, ed., Studies in the Performance of Late Mediaeval Music. Renaissance Quarterly, 39: 528-31.

Bent, Margaret. 1986. Trent 93 and Trent 90: Johannes Wiser at Work. I codici musicali trentini a cento anni dalla loro riscoperta: Atti del convegno 'Laurence Feininger, la musicologia come missione', edited by Nino Pirrotta and Danilo Curti, 84-111. Trent.

Bent, Margaret, and Anne Hallmark (eds.) 1985. Complete Works of Johannes Ciconia. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century.  Monaco: Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre.

Bent, Margaret, and Anne Hallmark (eds.) 1985. The Works of Johannes Ciconia. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century.  Monaco: Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre.

Bent, Margaret. 1984. The Progeny of Old Hall: More Leaves from a Royal English Choirbook. Gordon Athol Anderson (1929-1981) in Memoriam, Musicological Studies. 2 vols.1-54. Henryville, Ottawa, and Binningen: Institute of Mediaeval Music.

Bent, Margaret. 1984. Diatonic Ficta. Early Music History, 4: 1-48.

Bent, Margaret. 1984. Text Setting in Sacred Music of the Early 15th Century: Evidence and Implications. Musik und Text in der Mehrstimmigkeit des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts: Vorträge des Gastsymposiums in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, 8. bis 12. September 1980, Göttinger Musikwissenschaftliche Arbeiten. edited by Ursula Günther and Ludwig Finscher, 291-326. Kassel: Bärenreiter.

Bent, Margaret. 1983. The Machaut manuscripts Vg, B and E. Musica Disciplina, 37: 53-82.

Bent, Margaret. 1983. Resfacta and Cantare super librum. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 36: 371-91.

Bent, Margaret. 1983. Resfacta und Cantare super librum. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft/ Annales Suisses de Musicologie, 3: 47-52.

Bent, Margaret, and Mark E Everist. 1982. Cambridge, St. John's College MS 84 (D.9). Early Music History, 2: 315-321.

[No Author] 1982. New Sources of English Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Polyphony. Early Music History, 2: 273-362.

[No Author] 1982. New sources of English thirteenth- and fourteenth-century polyphony. Early Music History, 2: 295-306.

Wathey, Andrew B. 1982. New sources of English thirteenth- and fourteenth-century polyphony. Early Music History, 2: 323-329.

Lefferts, Peter M, and Andrew B Wathey. 1982. New sources of English thirteenth- and fourteenth-century polyphony. Early Music History, 2: 321-323.

Bent, Margaret. 1981. Dunstaple. Oxford Studies of Composers.  London: Oxford University Press.

Bent, Margaret. 1981. Dunstaple. .

Bent, Margaret. 1981. Rota versatilis--Toward a Reconstruction. Source Materials and the Interpretation of Music: A Memorial Volume to Thurston Dart, edited by Ian D Bent, 65-98. London: Stainer and Bell.

Bent, Margaret, and Roger Bowers. 1981. The Saxilby Fragment. Early Music History, 1: 1-27.

Bent, Margaret. 1981. Some Criteria for Establishing Relationships Between Sources of Late-Medieval Polyphony. Music in Medieval and Early Modem Europe: Patronage, Sources and Texts, edited by Iain Fenlon, 295-317. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bent, Margaret. 1981. Some Factors in the Control of Consonance and Sonority: Successive Composition and the Solus tenor. International Musicological Society: Report of the Twelfth Congress, Berkeley 1977, edited by Daniel Heartz and Bonnie Wade, 625-34. Kassel: Bärenreiter.

[No Author] 1981. New Sources of English Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Polyphony. Early Music History, 2: 273-362.

Bent, Margaret. 1980. The songs of Dufay: Some questions of form and authenticity. Early Music, 8: 454-9.

Bent, Margaret. 1980. New Sacred Polyphonic Fragments of the Early Quattrocento. Studi Musicali, 9: 171-89.

Bent, Margaret. 1980. Old Hall MS. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 526-529.

Bent, Margaret (ed.) 1979. Fifteenth-Century Liturgical Music II: Four Anonymous Masses. Early English Church Music.  London: Stainer and Bell.

Bent, Margaret. 1979. Review of Kurt von Fischer and F. Alberto Gallo, eds., Italian Sacred Music, Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century, vol. 12 (Monaco: Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre, 1976). Journal of the American Musicological Society, 32: 561-77.

Bent, Margaret. 1979. Review of PMFC XII. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 32: 561-77.

Bent, Margaret, and Warren Kirkendale. 1979. Fugue and Fugato in Rococo and Classical Chamber Music.  Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.

Bent, Margaret. 1978. A preliminary assessment of the independence of English Trecento notations. Atti del 3º Congresso internazionale sul tema "La musica al tempo del Boccaccio e i suoi rapporti con la letteratura" (Siena--Certaldo 19-22 luglio 1975), L'Ars nova italiana del Trecento. edited by Agostino Ziino, 65-82. Certaldo.

Bent, Margaret. 1977. From Polyphony to Seconda prattica," review of Howard Mayer Brown, Music in the Renaissance. Times Literary Supplement, 5 August 1977: .

Bent, Margaret (ed.) 1977. Two 14th-Century Motets in Praise of Music[ians].  Newton Abbot: Antico Edition.

Bent, Margaret. 1974. The Old Hall Manuscript. Early Music, 2: 2-14.

Bent, Margaret. 1973-74. Editions in the Oxford Early Music Series.  London.

Bent, Margaret. 1973. Five Sequences for the Virgin Mary. Early Music Series.  London.

Bent, Margaret. 1973. The Transmission of English Music 1300-1500: Some Aspects of Repertory and Presentation. Studien zur Tradition in der Musik: Kurt von Fischer zum 60. Geburtstag, edited by Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht and Max Lütolf, 65–83. Munich: Musikverlag Emil Katzbichler.

Bent, Margaret. 1972. Musica Recta and Musica Ficta. Musica Disciplina, 26: 73-100.

Bent, Margaret. 1972. A Lost English Choirbook of the Fifteenth Century. International Musicological Society: Report of the Eleventh Congress, 257-62.

Bent, Margaret, Ian D Bent, and Brian Trowell (eds.) 1970. John Dunstable complete works. Musica Britannica.  London.

Bent, Margaret. 1970. Contributor to Round Table on the English Carol. Musicological Society: Report of the Tenth Congress, Ljubljana 1967, edited by Dragotin Cvetko, 284-309. Kassel: Bärenreiter.

Bent, Margaret, and Andrew Hughes (eds.) 1969-73. The Old Hall Manuscript. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae. 3 vols. Rome: American Institute of Musicology.

Bent, Margaret. 1969. The Old Hall Manuscript: A Paleographical Study. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Cambridge University.

Bent, Margaret, and Ian D Bent. 1969. Dufay, Dunstable, Plummer-A New Source. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 22: 394-424.

Bent, Margaret, and Andrew Hughes (eds.) 1969. The Old Hall Manuscript. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae. 3 vols.

Bent, Margaret. 1968. New and Little-Known Fragments of English Medieval Polyphony. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 21: 137-56.

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