Craig-McFeely, Julia

Craig-McFeely, Julia. September 2018. Recovering lost texts, rebuilding lost manuscripts. Archive Journal Digital Medieval Manuscript Cultures special edition, .

Craig-McFeely, Julia. 2023. Beyond the fire of attrition: acid decay and forensic reconstruction. Oxford Handbook of Music and Corpus Studies, edited by Daniel Shanahan, John Ashley Burgoyne,  and Ian Quinn, C31P1–C31N40. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Craig-McFeely, Julia. 2020. Strip and Tease: Digitally Undressing Tudor Scribes. Notated Music in the Digital Sphere: Possibilities and Limitations,  Oslo: National Library of Norway.

Craig-McFeely, Julia. 2020. Restoration, reconstruction, and revisionism: altering our virtual perception of damaged manuscripts. Disiecta Membra Musicae. Studies in Musical Fragmentology, edited by Giovanni Varelli,  Berlin: De Gruyter.

Range, Matthias, and Julia Craig-McFeely. 2020. Forty Years in the Wilderness: John Sadler of the Sadler Partbooks. Music and Letters, 101, no. 4: (online advance publication at

Bent, Margaret, Julia Craig-McFeely, and Andrew B Wathey. 2001. The Art of Virtual Restoration: Creating the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM). The Virtual Score: Representation, Retrieval, Restoration, Computing in Musicology. edited by Walter B Hewlett and Eleanor Selfridge-Field, 227-240.