Aus amans pour exemplaire


Patch, Howard Rollin. 1927. The Goddess Fortuna in Mediaeval Literature.  Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. pp. 156 no.1.

Poirion, Daniel. 1965. Le poète et le prince. L'évolution du lyrisme courtois de Guillaume de Machaut à Charles d'Orléans. Publications de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines.  Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 412.

Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline. 1985. "Un Engin si soutil": Guillaume de Machaut et l'écriture au XIVe siècle. Bibliothèque du XVe Siècle.  Geneva: Slatkine. pp. 211.

Huot, Sylvia. 1987. From Song to Book: The Poetics of Writing in Old French Lyric and Lyrical Narrative Poetry.  Ithaca: Cornell University Press. pp. 262-3.

Woodrow Hassel Jr., James. 1982. Middle French Proverbs, Sentences and Proverbial Phrases. Subsidia Mediaevalia.  Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. pp. nos:F129, R74, T68, T69.

Wimsatt, James I. 1978. Guillaume de Machaut and Chaucer's Love Lyrics. Medium Aevum, 47: 66-87. pp. 86 no.10; 72; .

Wimsatt, James I. 1991. Chaucer and His French Contemporaries: Natural Music in the Fourteenth Century.  Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press,. pp. 313 no.14.