Huot, Sylvia

Huot, Sylvia. 1997. Allegorical Play in the French Motet.  Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University Press.

Huot, Sylvia. 1996. A Book Made for a Queen: The Shaping of a Late Medieval Anthology Manuscript ( The Whole Book: Cultural Perspectives on the Medieval Miscellany, edited by S.G. Nichols and Siegfried Wenzel, 123-143. Ann Arbor.

Huot, Sylvia. 1994. Patience in Adversity: The Courtly Lover and Job in Machaut's Motets 2 and 3. Medium Aevum, 63: 222-238.

Huot, Sylvia. 1994. Languages of Love: Vernacular Motets on the Tenor Flos Filius Eius. Conjunctures: Medieval Studies in Honor of Douglas Kelly, edited by Keith Busby and Norris J. Lacy, 169–80. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Huot, Sylvia. 1987. From Song to Book: The Poetics of Writing in Old French Lyric and Lyrical Narrative Poetry.  Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Huot, Sylvia. 1987. The Scribe as Editor: Rubrication as Critical Apparatus in Two Manuscripts of the Roman de la Rose. L'Esprit Créateur, 27: 67–78.