In diebus illis - 1a pars (of 2): [Lectio actuum apostolorum] In diebus illis fìlius Diocletiani

Composer Mouton, Jean (ca. 1459–1522)
Genre Motet
Lectio actuum apostolorum - In diebus illis fìlius Diocletiani (Motet cycle)
Appears in
I-VEc MS DCCLX (89v—91)


Shine, Josephine M. 1953. The Motets of Jean Mouton. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, New York University. pp. 361-375.

Sherr, Richard Jonathan (ed.) 1991-1999. Sixteenth-Century Motet. Previously unpublished full scores of major works from the Renaissance.  New York and London. pp. (7), 11-27.