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Earp, Lawrence M. 1991. Lyrics for Reading and Lrics for Singing in Late Medieval France: The Development of the Dance Lyric from Adam de la Halle to Guillaume de Machaut. The Union of words and Music in Medieval Poetry, edited by Rebecca A. Baltzer, Thomas Cable, and James I. Wimsatt, Austin: University of Texas Press.
Guthrie, Steven R. 1991. Meter and Performance in Machaut and Chaucer. The Union of words and Music in Medieval Poetry, edited by Rebecca A. Baltzer, Thomas Cable, and James I. Wimsatt, 72-100. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Wimsatt, James I. 1991. Chaucer and Deschamps' Natural Music. The Union of Words and Music in Medieval Poetry, edited by Rebecca A. Baltzer, Thomas Cable, and James I. Wimsatt, 132-150. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Baltzer, Rebecca A, William W. Kibler, and James I. Wimsatt (eds.) 1988. Guillaume de Machaut. Le Jugement du roy de Behaigne and Remede de Fortune, Music edited by Rebecca A. Baltzer. The Chaucer Library. Athens GA. and London: The University of Georgia Press.
Baltzer, Rebecca A, William W. Kibler, and James I. Wimsatt (eds.) 1988. Guillaume de Machaut. Le Jugement du Roy de Behaigne and Remede de Fortune, music ed. Rebecca A. Baltzer. The Chaucer Library. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.