Rankin, Susan K. 2005. The tradition of music theory. 'Naturalis Concordia vocum cum planetis' : conceptualizing the Harmony of the spheres in the early middle ages. Citation and Authority in Medieval and Renaissance Musical Culture: Learning from the Learned. Essays in Honour of Margaret Bent, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music. edited by Elizabeth Eva Leach and Suzannah Clark, Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer.
Rankin, Susan K. 2002. Between oral and written: thirteenth-Century italian sources of polyphony. Un millennio di polifonia liturgica tra oralità e scrittura, Quaderni di musica e storia. edited by Giulio Cattin and Franco Alberto Gallo, 75-98. Venezia - Bologna: Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi - Il Mulino.
Rankin, Susan K. 2000. Taking the Rough with the Smooth: Melodic Versions and Manuscript Status. The Divine Office in the Middle Ages: Methodology and Source Studies, Regional Developments, Hagiography: written in honor of Professor Ruth Steiner, edited by Margot E. Fassler and Rebecca A. Baltzer, 213-233. Oxford.
Rankin, Susan K. 2000. The Study of Medieval Music: Some Thoughts on Past, Present and Future. Musicology and Sister Disciplines, Past, Present and Future, Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the International Musicological Society 1997, edited by David Greer, 154-168. Oxford.
Rankin, Susan K, and David Hiley (eds.) 1993. Music in the Medieval English Liturgy: Centennial Essays. 424. Plainsong & Mediaeval Music Society.
Rankin, Susan K. 1989. The Music of the Medieval Liturgical Drama in France and England. 2 vols. New York and London: Garland.
Rankin, Susan K. 1984. From Memory to Written Record: Musical Notations in Manuscripts from Exeter. Anglo-Saxon England, 13: 97-112.
Rankin, Susan K. 1976. The Manuscript Shrewsbury School VI: A Study and Transcription. Unpublished M.Mus. thesis, King's College, University of London.
Rankin, Susan K. 1975-76. Shrewsbury School, Manuscript VI: A Medieval Part Book? Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 102: 129-44.