Douce playsence est d'amer loyalment, car autrement / Garison selon nature desire de sa doulor / Neuma quinti toni


Besseler, Heinrich. 1925. Studien zur Musik des Mittelalters: I. Neue Quellen des 14. und beginnenden 15. Jahrhunderts. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 7: 167-252. pp. 249-251.

Johnson, M. 1955. The Motets of the Codex Ivrea. Ph. D., Indiana University. pp. no. 25.

Schrade, Leo (ed.) 1956-. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century. 24 vols. Monaco. pp. 1), 72-75.

Caldwell, John. 1978. Medieval Music.  London. pp. no. 63.

Blachly, Alexander. 1971. The Motets of Philippe de Vitry. Master's thesis, Columbia University. pp. 110.