Archives are the current holding institutions of sources.
Archivio dell'Opera del Duomo di Siena (I-Sd) |
Archivio di Stato Siena (I-Sas) |
Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati (I-Sc) |
Convento di S. Clemente dei Servi (I-Sscs) |
Organizations are corporate entities that have been involved in the history of a source, typically as an owner, creator, or seller.
Cappella di Palazzo |
Franciscan monastery of St. Bernardino, Siena |
Siena Cathedral |
Sources that have had their origins in this city.
I-Sas Frammenti Musicali N. 155 (uncertain) |
I-Sc H.I.10 |
I-Sc K.I.2 |
GB-BRu Arts and Social Sciences Library, DM2196 |