Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel

Clarke, Eric, Nicholas Cook, Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, and John Rink (eds.) 2009. The Cambridge Companion to Recorded Music.  Cambridge: University Press.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2009. The Changing Sound of Music: approaches to the study of recorded musical performances. ISBN1-897791-21-6. CHARM.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2009. Musicology and performance. Music's Intellectual History: Founders, Followers & Fads, edited by Zdravko Blazekovic, 791-804. New York: RILM.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2009. Recordings and histories of performance style. The Cambridge Companion to Recorded Music, edited by Nicholas Cook, 246-62. Cambridge: University Press,.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2008. Early recorded violin playing: evidence for what? Aspekte der Streicherpraxis in der Romantik, Musikforschung der Hochschule der Künste Bern. edited by Claudio Bacciagaluppi,  Bern.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2006. Portamento and musical meaning. Journal of Musicological Research , 25: 233-61.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2003. Articulating ars subtilior song. Early Music, 31: 6-18.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2003. Rose, lis Revisited. Machaut's Music: new interpretations (, edited by Elizabeth Eva Leach, 249-62. Woodbridge: Boydell.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2002; paperback edition 2007. The Modern Invention of Medieval Music: Scholarship, Ideology, Performance. Performance and Reception Series.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2002. Rose, lis revisité. Guillaume de Machaut 1300-2000, edited by Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet and Nigel E Wilkins, 53-69. Paris: Sorbonne.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2001. Petrus frater dictus Palma ociosa. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 19: 523-4.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2001. Wie überträgt man die Musik des Mittelalters? Übersetzte Zeit: Das Mittelalter und die Musik der Gegenwart , edited by Wolfgang Gratzer and Hartmut Möller, 325-39. Hofheim: Wolke.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2001. Using recordings to study musical performance. Aural History: Essays on Recorded Sound, edited by Andy Linehan, 1-12. London: The British Library.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 2000. Yearning for the sound of medieval music. Mittelalter Sehnsucht?: Texte des interdisziplinären Symposions zur musikalischen Mittelalterrezeption an der Universität Heidelberg, April 1998, edited by Annette Kreutziger-Herr and Dorothea Redepenning, 295-317. Kiel.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel (ed.) 1998. Guillaume de Machaut, Le Livre dou Voir Dit,.  New York: Garland.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1997. Early Music - observations and predictions. Early Music, 25: 563-4.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1997. The good, the bad and the boring. The Dent Everyman Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music, first published by Dent in 1992 . 3-14. Oxford: UP.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1997. 'Aversa parverse? Plainsong and Medieval Music, 6: 17-19.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1996. The well-formed virelai. Trent'anni di Ricerche musicologiche: Studi in onore di F. Alberto Gallo , 125-141. Rome: Edizioni Torre d'Orfeo.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1995. The Emergence of Ars nova. Journal of Musicology, 13: 285-317.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1995. The Cyprus Songs. The Cypriot-French Repertory of the Manuscript Torino J.II.9, edited by Ursula Günther and Ludwig Finscher, 395-431. Hänssler.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel, Andrew B Wathey, and Jean Widaman. 1995. The structure and copying of the manuscript Torino J.II.9. The Cypriot-French Repertory of the Manuscript Torino J.II.9, 95-116. Hänssler.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1993. The Thynne Lutebook. The Lute, 33: 1-11.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1993. Le Voir Dit and La Messe de Nostre Dame: aspects of genre and style in late works of Machaut. Plainsong and Medieval Music, 2: 43-73.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1993. Le Voir Dit: a reconstruction and a guide for musicians. Plainsong and Medieval Music, 2: 103-40.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1993. Improvised and written polyphony. Polyphonies de tradition orale: histoire et traditions vivantes, Collection "Recontres à Royaumont". edited by Michel Hugo, Christian Meyer,  and Marcel Pérès, 171-82. Paris: Éditions Créaphis.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1991. My Lady's Tears: a pair of songs by John Dowland. Early Music, 119: 227-33..

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1991. Not Just a Pretty Tune: structuring devices in four Machaut virelais. Sonus, 12: 22-31.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel (ed.) 1990. Guillaume de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame. Oxford Choral Music.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1990. Machaut's Mass: An Introduction.  Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1990. Ars Antiqua - Ars Nova - Ars Subtilior. Man and Music I: Antiquity and the Middle Ages, edited by James McKinnon,  London: Macmillan-Granada.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1989. Compositional Techniques in the Four-Part Isorhythmic Motets of Philippe de Vitry and his Contemporaries. 2 vols. New York: Garland.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1984. Machaut's Rose, lis and the problem of early music analysis. Music Analysis, 3: 9-28.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1984. The limits of authenticity. Early Music, 12: 13-16.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1982-83. Related motets from fourteenth-century France. Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 109: 1-22.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1982. Cambridge Music Manuscripts, 900-1700. 100-103. Cambridge: University Press.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1981. II Libro di Appunti di un Suonatore di Tromba del Quindicesimo Secolo. Revista Italiana di Musicologia, 16: 16-39.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1980. An Elizabethan motet from Longleat. Musical Times, 121: 438-9&448-9.

Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel. 1980. Compositional procedure in Machaut's Hoquetus David. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, 16: 99-109.