Gillingham, Bryan

Gillingham, Bryan. 1991. A New Etiology and Etymology for the Conductus. Musical Quarterly, 75: 59-73.

Bent, Margaret. 1990. A Note on the Dating of the Trémoïlle Manuscript. Beyond the Moon: Festschrift Luther Dittmer, Musicological Studies. edited by Bryan Gillingham and Paul Merkley, 217-242. Ottawa: The Institute of Medieval Music.

Gillingham, Bryan (ed.) 1989. Cambridge, University Library, Ff.1.17 (1).  Ottawa.

Gillingham, Bryan. 1987. Lambeth Palace MS 457: A Reassessment. Music and Letter, 68: 213-221.

Gillingham, Bryan (ed.) 1985. Medieval Polyphonic Sequences: An Anthology.  Ottawa.