Conditio nature defuit in filio / O natio nephandi generis / Mane prima sabbati


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Geering, Arnold (ed.) 1935. Das Erbe Deutscher Musik.  Leipzig, Kassel, Wolfenbüttel, and Wiesbaden. pp. (52/53/I).

Roesner, Edward H. 1991. Le Roman de Fauvel: In the Edition of Mesire Chaillou de Pesstain.  New York: Broude Brothers. pp. None.

Schrade, Leo (ed.) 1956-. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century. 24 vols. Monaco. pp. (1), 32-34.

Erwin, Stuart M. 1980.. The Motets of the LoD Manuscript, British Museum Add. 27630: Performance Edition and Commentary. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California. pp. no. 56.