Haggh, Barbara H, and Mary E. Wolinski. 2010. Two 13th century hockets on Manere recovered. Early Music, 38: 43-57.
Haggh, Barbara H. 2005. Ciconia's citations in Nova musica : new sources as biography. Citation and Authority in Medieval and Renaissance Musical Culture: Learning from the Learned. Essays in Honour of Margaret Bent, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music. edited by Elizabeth Eva Leach and Suzannah Clark, Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer.
Haggh, Barbara H. 2002. Guillaume Du Fay's Missa Sancti Jacobi: A Mass for his Friend, Robert Auclou? Gedenkschrift für Walter Pass , 307-319. Tutzing.
Haggh, Barbara H. 1997. New Publications in Dutch on Music Before 1700 and a Newly Discovered 15th-Century Dutch Manuscript with Songs. Early Music, 25: 121–28.
Haggh, Barbara H. 1997. The Helmond Manuscript. Music fragments and manuscripts in the Low Countries; Alta capella; Music printing in Antwerp and Europe in the 16th century: colloquium proceedings, Alden Biezen 23.06.1995, Alden Biezen 24.06.1995, Antwerpen 23-25.08.1995 , Yearbook of the Alamire Foundation. edited by Eugeen Schreurs and Henri Vanhulst, 39-41. Leuven: Alamire.
Haggh, Barbara H. 1995. Motets and Marian worship in the 14th century: Brussels, Algemeen Rijksarchief, Archief Sint-Goedele, 5170. Music fragments and manuscripts in the Low Countries, Yearbook of the Alamire Foundation. 53-66.(incl.Inventory).
Günther, Ursula. 1994. Composers at the Court of the Antipopes in Avignon: Research in the Vatican Archives. Musicology and Archival Research, edited by Barbara H. Haggh, Frank Daelemans, and André Vanrie, 328–37. Brussels: Algemeen Rijksarchief.
Fallows, David, Karl Kügle, and Eugeen Schreurs. 1994. Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Music Fragments in Tongeren. Musicology and Archival Research, edited by Barbara H. Haggh, Frank Daelemans, and André Vanrie, 472–521. Brussels: Algemeen Rijksarchief.
Haggh, Barbara H. 1988. Music, Liturgy, and Ceremony in Brussels, 1350–1500. 2 vols. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois.
Haggh, Barbara H. 1983. Music at the Court of Charles the Bold: Another Look at Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale, MS 5557. Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Louisville, Kentucky, October, 1983, .