Reaney, Gilbert

Reaney, Gilbert. 1987. The "international" style and the Oxford Manuscript, Bodleian Library, Canonici Misc. 213. Musica Disciplina, 41: 15-26.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1984. Musical and Textual Relationships among Early 15th-century Manuscripts. Gordon Athol Anderson (1929-1981) In Memoriam von seinen Studenten, Freunden und Kollegen, Musicological Studies. 495-504. Henryville, Ottawa, and Binningen.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1984. A Consideration of the Relative Importance of Words and Music in Composition from the 13th to the 15th Century. Musik und Text in der Mehrstimmigkeit des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts: Vorträge des Gastsymposiums in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, 8. bis 12. September 1980, Göttinger Musikwissenschaftliche Arbeiten. edited by Ursula Günther and Ludwig Finscher, 175-195. Kassel: Bärenreiter.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1982. La tonalité des ballades et des rondeaux de Guillaume de Machaut. Guillaume de Machaut: Poète et Compositeur. Colloque-Table Ronde organisé par l'Université de Reims (19-22 avril, 1978), Actes et Colloques. 295-300. Paris: Klincksieck.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1980. Machaut [Machau, Machaud, Machault], Guillaume de [Guillelmus de Machaudio]. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 11: 428-436.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1980. Sources, MS, VII. French polyphony 1300-1420. 2. Machaut. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 17: 661-663.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1978. Sequence, Hocket, Syncopation and Imitation in Zacar's Mass Movements. L'Ars Nova Italiana del Trecento, 345-63.

Reaney, Gilbert (ed.) 1977. Two Anonymous Alleluias from the Worcester Fragments,.  Newton Abbot: Antico Edition.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1977. The Part Played by Instruments in the Music of Guillaume de Machaut. Studi musicali, 6: 3-11.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1971. Guillaume de Machaut. Oxford Studies of Composers.  London: Oxford University Press.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1970. The Italian Contribution to the Manuscript Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canonici Misc. 213. L'Ars Nova Italiana del Trecento, 443-64.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1970. The Middle Ages. A History of Song, edited by Denis W. Stevens,  New York.

Fischer, Kurt von, Max Lütolf, and Gilbert Reaney (eds.) 1969. Répertoire international des sources musicales. Series B IV. 

Reaney, Gilbert. 1969. Accidentals in Early Fifteenth Century Music. Renaissance-Muziek 1400-1600: Donum Natalicium René Bernard Lenaerts, 223-31. Louvain.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1969. Text Underlay in Early Fifteenth-Century Musical Manuscripts. Essays in Musicology in Honor of Dragan Plamenac on His 70th Birthday, 245-51. Pittsburgh.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1968. Notes on the Harmonic Technique of Guillaume de Machaut. Essays in Musicology: A Birthday Offering for Willi Apel, edited by Hans Tischler, 63-68. Bloomington: Indiana University School of Music.

Flutre, Louis-Ferdinand, and Gilbert Reaney. 1967. Guillaume de Machaut. Encyclopaedia Britannica, .

Reaney, Gilbert. 1967. Towards a Chronology of Machaut's Musical Works. Musica disciplina, 21: 87-96.

Reaney, Gilbert (ed.) 1966. Répertoire international des sources musicales. Series B IV.  Munich-Duisburg: G. Henle Verlag.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1966. Manuscripts of Polyphonic Music, 11th-Early 14th Century. RISM . 83f. München-Duisburg.

Reaney, Gilbert (ed.) 1966. Tractatus de figuris sive de notis. In: Ms. Oxford, Bodley 842 (Willelmus), Breviarium regulare musicae; Ms. British Museum, Royal 12. C. VI. Corpus Scriptorum de Musica. 40-51. [Rome]: American Institute of Musicology.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1965. New sources of Ars nova music. Musica Disciplina, 19: 53-68.

Reaney, Gilbert (ed.) 1965. The Manuscript London, British Museum Add. 29987. Musicological Studies and Documents.  [n.p.]: American Institute of Musicology.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1964-77. Music in the Late Medieval Entremets. Annales Musicologiques, 7: 51-65.

Gilles, André, Jean Maillard, and Gilbert Reaney (eds.) 1964. Philippi de Viytriaco: Ars nova. Corpus Scriptorum de Musia.  Rome: American Institute of Musicology.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1963. Modes in the Fourteenth Century, in Particular in the Music of Guillaume de Machaut. Organicae voces: Festschrift Joseph Smits von Waesberghe, edited by Pieter Fischer, 137-143. Amsterdam: Institute for Medieval Music.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1962. Pariser Handschriften. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1st Edition, 10: col.796-797.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1962. Bodleian Library.Canonici Misc. 213 (O) (Oxforder Handschriften). Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 10: .

Reaney, Gilbert. 1961. Some Little-Known Sources of Medieval Polyphony in England. Musica Disciplina, 15: 15-26.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1961. Machaut (Machault) Guillaume de. Encyclopédie de la musique, edited by François Michel, François Lesure,  and Vladimir Fédorov, 122-126. Paris: Fasquelle.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1960. The Manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Fonds Italien 568 (Pit). Musica Disciplina, 14: 33-63.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1960. Ars Nova in France. The Pelican History of Music, vol. 1: Ancient Forms to Polyphony, edited by Alec Robertson and Denis W. Stevens, 261-308. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, and Baltimore: Penguin Books.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1959. The Poetic Form of Machaut's Musical Works: I. The Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais. Musica disciplina, 13: 25-41.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1959. Musica Ficta in the Music of Guillaume de Machaut. Les Colloques de Wegimont II-1955, L'Ars nova: Recueil d'études sur la musiquedu XIVe siècle , 196ff. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1958. Guillaume de Machaut: Lyric Poet. Music and Letters, 39: 38-51.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1958. Concerning the Origins of the Medieval Lai. Music and Letters, 39: 343-346.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1958. The manuscript London, British Museum, Additional 29987 (Lo). Musica Disciplina, 12: 67-91.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1956. A Postscript to'The Manuscript Chantilly, Musee Conde 1047. Musica Disciplina, 10: .

Reaney, Gilbert. 1956. Voices and Instruments in the Music of Guillaume de Machaut. Revue belge de musicologie, 10: 3-17and93-104.

Gilles, André, Jean Maillard, and Gilbert Reaney. 1956. The Ars Nova of Philippe de Vitry. Musica Disciplina, 10: .

Reaney, Gilbert (ed.) 1955-83. Early Fifteenth-Century Music. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Rome: American Institute of Musicology.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1955-56. The Lais of Guillaume de Machaut and Their Background. Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 82: 15-31,discussion31-32.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1955. The Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais of Guillaume de Machaut: Melody, Rhythm and Form. Acta Musicologica, 27: 40ff.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1955. The Manuscript Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canonici Misc. 213. Musica Disciplina, 9: 73-104.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1955. Early Fifteenth-Century Music. CMM. 

Reaney, Gilbert. 1954, 1957-. 'Ars Nova' in France. New Oxford History of Music Chapter 1, 3: 1-30.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1954-60. Ars Nova in France. New Oxford History of Music, .

Reaney, Gilbert. 1954. The Manuscript Chantilly, Musée Condé 1047. Musica Disciplina, 8: 59-113.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1954. Voices and Instruments in the Music of Guillaume de Machaut'. Bericht über den internationalen Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress Bamberg 1953, edited by Wilfried Brennecke, Willi Kahl,  and Rudolf Steglich, 245-248. Kassel: Bärenreiter.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1953. John Dunstable and Late Medieval Music in England. The Score, 8: 22ff.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1953. Fourteenth Century Harmony and the Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais of Guillaume de Machaut. Musica Disciplina, 7: 129ff.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1952. A Chronology of the Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais Set to Music by Guillaume de Machaut. Musica Disciplina, 6: 33ff.

Reaney, Gilbert (ed.) 1950-. Corpus scriptorum de musica.  American Institute of Musicology.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1949-79. Franciscus, Magister. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1st Edition, 4: col.634-635.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1949-79. Color, Egidius de Murino, Franciscus, Galiot, Gaston Phebus, Grimace, Guido, Hasprois, Haucourt, Jacomi, Matheus de Sancto Johanne, Philippus de Caserta[12 articles]. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2: .

Reaney, Gilbert. 1949-79. Grimace. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1st Edition, 5: col.920-922.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1949-79. Chanson, Part 1: Die Chanson, mehrst., von den Anfängen bis etwa 1420. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2nd Edition (Sachteil), 2: col.1034-46.