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Perkins, Leeman L. 1984. The L'Homme Arme Masses of Busnoys and Okeghem: A Comparison. The Journal of Musicology, 3: 363-96.
Perkins, Leeman L. 1980. Antoine Busnois and the d'Hacqueville Connection. Musique naturelle et musique artificielle: In Memoriam Gustav Reese, Le Moyen Français. 49-64. Montreal.
Garey, Howard, and Leeman L Perkins (eds.) 1979. The Mellon Chansonnier. New Haven and London.
Perkins, Leeman L. 1977. The Mellon Chansonnier. New Haven.
Perkins, Leeman L. 1976. Toward a Rational Approach to Text Placement in the Secular Music of Dufay's Time. Papers read at the Duf ay Quincentenary Conference, Brooklyn College, December 6-7, 1974, 102-14;152-63. Brooklyn.
Perkins, Leeman L. 1969. Review of CR Lowinsky. The Medici Codex of 1518, a choirbook of motets dedicated to Lorenzo de Medici. The Musical Quarterly, 55: 255-69.
Perkins, Leeman L (ed.) 1969. Johannis Lhéritier: Opera Omnia. Corpus mensurabilis musicae. Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology.
Perkins, Leeman L. 1965. The Motets of Jean Lhéritier. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University.