Hoppin, Richard H

Hoppin, Richard H. 1989. Conflicting Views in Retrospect. Edward Lowinsky: Music in the Culture of the Renaissance and Other Essays, edited by Bonnie J Blackburn, 2 vols.678-680. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1978-79. More Pairs of Mass Movements in the Old Hall Manuscript. Revue Belge de Musicologie, 32-33: 23-34.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1978. Medieval Music.  New York: W. W. Norton.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1978. The Ars Nova in France. Anthology of Medieval Music, edited by Richard H Hoppin, Ch.15. New York.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1968. Cypriot Plainchant of the Manuscript Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale J. II. 9: A Facsimile Edition with Commentary. Musicological Studies and Documents.  American Institute of Musicology.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1964. Reflections on the Origin of the Cyclic Mass. Liber Amicorum Charles Van den Borren, 85-92. Antwerp.

Hoppin, Richard H (ed.) 1960-3. The Cypriot-French Repertory of the Manuscript Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale, J.II.9. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1960. Notational Licenses of Guillaume de Machaut. Musica disciplina, 14: 13-27.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1960. Notational Licenses of Guillaume de Machaut. Musica Disciplina, 14: 13-27.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1959, 1962. The manuscript J.II.9. in the Biblioteca nazionale of Torino. L'Ars nova italiana del Trecento I, edited by Bianca Becherini, 75-82. Certaldo.

Clercx, Suzanne, Suzanne Clercx-Lejeune, and Richard H Hoppin. 1959. Notes biographiques sur quelques musiciens français du XIVe siècle. Les Colloques de Wégimont II—1955, L'Ars nova: Recueil d'études sur la musique du XIVe siècle, 63-92. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

Clercx, Suzanne, Suzanne Clercx-Lejeune, and Richard H Hoppin. 1959. Notes biographiques sur quelques musiciens du XIVe siècle. Les Colloques de Wegimont II-1955, L'Ars nova: Recueil d'études sur la musiquedu XIVe siècle, 63-92. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1957. The Cypriot-French Repertory of the Manuscript Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale, J.II.9. Musica Disciplina, 11: 79-125.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1957. A Fifteenth-Century 'Christmas Oratorio'. Essays on Music in honor of Archibald Thompson Davison by his Associates, 41-9. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1956. Some Remarks a propos of Pic. Revue Belge de Musicologie, 10: 105ff.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1955. A Musical Rotulus of the Fourteenth Century. Revue Belge de Musicologie, 9: 131ff.

Hoppin, Richard H. 1952. The Motets of the Early Fifteenth Century Manuscript J.II.9. in the Biblioteca Nazionale of Turin. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University.