d'Alvarenga, João Pedro

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2019. Juan de Anchieta and the Iberian motet around 1500. Acta Musicologica, 91: 21-47.

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2015. Polyphonic Church Music and Sources from Late Sixteenth-Century Évora Cathedral. Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, new series 2/1: 19-40.

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2012. A Neglected Anonymous Requiem Mass of the Early Sixteenth Century and its Possible Context. Musica Disciplina, 57: 155-189.

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2011. Manuscript Évora, Biblioteca Pública, Cód. CLI/1-3: Its Origin and Contents, and the Stemmata of Late-Sixteenth- and Early-Seventeenth-Century Portuguese Sources. Anuario Musical, 66: 137-158.

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2011. Manuscripts Oporto, Biblioteca Pública Municipal, MM 40 and MM 76-79: Their Origin, Date, Repertories and Context. Pure Gold: Golden Age Sacred Music in the Iberian World: A Homage to Bruno Turner, De Musica. edited by Tess Knighton and Bernadette Nelson,  Kassel: Edition Reichenberger.

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2010. Some notes on the Reception of Josquin and of Northern Idioms in Portuguese Music and Culture. Journal of the Alamire Foundation, 69-89. Brepols.

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2005. Polifonia portuguesa sacra tardo-quinhentista: estudo de fontes e edição crítica do Livro de São Vicente, manuscrito P-Lf FSVL 1P/H-6. Ph.D., Universidade de Évora.

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2002. Uma obra perdida de Duarte Lobo recuperada (e algumas notas sobre a melodia do hino Gloria, laus, et honor. Estudos de Musicologia, 89-103. Lisbon: Colibri.