Brown, Howard Mayer. 1991. Notes Towards a Definition of Personal Style: Conflicting Attributions and the Six-part Motets of Josquin and Mouton. Proceedings of the International Josquin Symposium Utrecht 1986, edited by Willem Elders and Frits de Haen, 185-207. Utrecht.
Macey, Patrick. 1991. 'Celi enarrant': An Inauthentic Psalm Motet Attributed to Josquin. Proceedings of the International Josquin Symposium Utrecht 1986, edited by Willem Elders and Frits de Haen, 25-44. Utrecht.
Stewart, Rebecca. 1991. Jean Mouton: Man and Musician. Motets Attributed to Both Josquin and Mouton. roceedings of the International Josquin Symposium Utrecht 1986, edited by Willem Elders and Frits de Haen, 155-170. Utrecht.