Newes, Virginia Ervin

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 2005. 'Qui bien aimme a tart oublie' : Machaut's Lay de plour in context. Citation and Authority in Medieval and Renaissance Musical Culture: Learning from the Learned. Essays in Honour of Margaret Bent, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music. edited by Elizabeth Eva Leach and Suzannah Clark,  Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer.

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 1991. Dialogue and Dispute in Some Polytextual Songs by Machaut and His Successors. Sonus, 12: 66-86.

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 1991. Turning Fortune's Wheel: Musical and Textual Design in Machaut's Canonic Lais. Musica disciplina, 45: 95-121.

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 1990. Writing, Reading and Memorizing: The Transmission and resolution of Retrograde Canons from the 14th and Early 15th Centuries. Early Music, 18: 218-234.

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 1987. Chace, caccia, fuga: the convergence of French and Italian traditions. Musica Disciplina, 41: 27-57.

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 1987. Fuga and Related Contrapuntal Procedures in European Polyphony ca. 1350-ca. 1420. PhD Dissertation, Brandeis University.

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 1984. The relationship of text to imitative technique in 14th century polyphony. Musik und Text in der Mehrstimmigkeit des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts: Vorträge des Gastsymposiums in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, 8. bis 12. September 1980, Göttinger Musikwissenschaftliche Arbeiten . edited by Ursula Günther and Ludwig Finscher,  Kassel: Bärenreiter.

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 1977. Revue Belge de Musicologie. 38-50.

Newes, Virginia Ervin. 1977. Imitation in the Ars Nova and Ars Subtilior. Revue Belge de Musicologie, 31: 38-59.