Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (I-Vnm)

Venezia (Venice), Italy

Sources in this Archive

  Source name Date Type Surface
I-Vnm MS It. IV. 1795 [Discantus] c. 1520 partbook Paper
I-Vnm MS It. IV. 1796 [Altus] c. 1520 partbook Paper
I-Vnm MS It. IV. 1797 [Tenor] c. 1520 partbook Paper
I-Vnm MS It. IV. 1798 [Bassus] c. 1520 partbook Paper
I-Vnm MS It. IX. 145 I: c. 1420-40; II: mid-15th century manuscript of polyphony, monophony, and texts without music Parchment
I-Vnm MS lat. III. 125 15th century Missal with added polyphony Other
I-Vnm MS lat. Z. 160 14th - Early 15th century Breviary with added polyphony Mixed Paper and Parchment
I-Vnm MS Lat. Z. 549 - monophonic sequence in Cuman (a Turkish language) rhythmically notated -