Archives are the current holding institutions of sources.
Columbia University, Music Library (US-NYcu) |
Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library (US-NYcub) |
H.P. Kraus Collection (US-NYkraus) |
Hispanic Society Library (US-NYhsa) |
Pierpont Morgan Library (US-NYpm) |
Private collection of Stanley Boorman (US-NYboorman) |
Public Library, Music Division (US-NYp) |
Robert Lehman Collection [formerly] (US-NYlehman) |
The Met (US-NYmm) |
Wildenstein Collection (US-NYw) |
Organizations are corporate entities that have been involved in the history of a source, typically as an owner, creator, or seller.
Wildenstein Galleries |
Sources that have had their origins in this city.
No Sources